Bullshit Detection: Unmasking Disinformation Agents

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
But by their fruit you will know them.

The striking thing for me when observing the alternative media exponents in this year 2012 was, how many of them suddenly have changed direction and tone in many key areas. Haven’t you noticed, too?

Since last year when I helped debunk Zecharia Sitchin and the Vigilant Citizen, after taking all sorts of weird “reactions” from their followers, I’ve found quite a few design patterns of disinformation all around that I would like to share with you people, who are  genuine and don’t follow any other agenda than your heart’s. There are still many of us out there, thanks to yoy50, noicon, Politaia, Maria-Lourdes, the living tiki and others for keeping it real!

homelessholocaust has written an excellent article on the various types of disinformation campaigns, namely

  • The Alien Agenda
  • New Age Solutions
  • Jesus Will Save Us
  • Taking Back America
  • Jesuits and the Black Pope Control Everything

There is a propaganda campaign geared at each and every personality type. Some of the propaganda lines encourage people to develop tunnel vision when looking at the global agenda, focusing on one group, when in fact the system is monolithic in nature, encompassing all institutions of power across the globe. Others neutralize people by pushing them off into religious or semi-religious fantasy. Both methods are equally effective.

1. Sudden Shift in Believe System

They may “fight” some aspects of the New World Order for years, talk of the wickedness of Freemasonry and the Illuminati, uncover all lies of 9/11, talk of love and light and God and Jesus – and all of a sudden they publicly submit to known Occultists and Satanists like Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky and even Aleister Crowley… Right, the same Blavatsky who wrote down world views like this:

Stand in awe of him, and sin not, speak his name with trembling … It is Satan who is the god of our planet and the only god … – The Secret Doctrine, Vol II, page 234

In this case it is but natural — even from the dead letter standpoint — to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis, as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind … – The Secret Doctrine, Vol II, page 243

What did I miss in-between? It’s like Sonja from the Truther Girls who claims to be Christian but constantly makes fun of religious people. Or Zen Gardner, brilliant writer and most of the time spot on with the hot topics, but having become a typical Ascension/Awakening and thus New Age proponent and defender of master channeler David Icke, the leader of the Consciousness Dogs. Of course there are those who just got sucked in by directing their attention too long towards the dark side, one main goal of occult propaganda in the first place. But many just appear to have collected searching people for the last couple of years and now enroll the masonic agenda of the New Age in 2012. Talking of synchronicity…?!

It’s always simple dialectics: “Fight” a New World Order, and get a New Age Order in return. Same dark agenda, different name.

2. Disinformants Cooperate Among Themselves

As soon as you have identified a source with a high probability of following a hidden agenda, watch out who passes whom around:

  • Alex Jones – David Icke – Jesse Ventura – Muse – The Health Ranger – …
  • David Wilcock – Benjamin Fulford – Drake – …
  • Galactic Federation of Light – Indian in the Machine – Alaje – …

Not everybody who shows up with these cons must be an agent, but the more regular they reappear, the more probable they work for the same hidden hand.

3. The Donation-Button

Of course there are always the poor ones, who may have lost their ability of following a “normal” life in a system that is obviously sick and makes sick, and they may need your donations (although they would better refrain from the web and localise their life). But there are also the big names, with many employees behind the scenes, professional websites and online marketing (like theintelhub), paid by some agencies or cabal budgets, and they still take your donations for lies. The more penetrative the money machine, the more suspect!

When analyzing the Patriot Movement, one must also consider that these people are making an incredible amount of money. Of course, all of the people involved in the “leadership” of any of these movements are making money (which I personally find very hard to reconcile, given the monumental importance of all of this), but the Patriots make it in a very specific, exploitative way: they sell fear.

4. The One Main Evil Group Scam

Based on the fact that Secret Societies have undercut and hijacked any powerful movement since at least the ancient Egyptians, it is always a lie when the agents tell us the controlling group behind the New World Order and the current control system is ONLY “the Zionists” (or even “the Jews”) (like Brother Nathanael Kapner), ONLY “the Jesuits” (or “the Vatican”) (like WeAreONEbigFamily), or ONLY “the Globalists” (like Alex Jones). Or even less precise: “The Bilderbergers“.

But we are also in a lack of good names: “the Elites” including wealthy people who are not initiated high enough, “the Illuminati” only describing one specific aspect of these worshipers of Lucifer (and a ridiculed one thanks to another agent, Dan Brown), and “the dark Cabal” being too close to so-called “anti-Semitism” (check here and here if you would like to understand the lies behind this part of propaganda). “The evil ones“, as the living tiki names them, might be as close as we can get with words. Whatever we call it, it’s secret, it’s ancient, and it’s demoniac. And it’s NOT one of the visible groups only, rather some unknown high level brethren floating under the cover of these groups.

5. Absurd Output

Then there are the bloggers and video creators who flood your inbox on a daily basis, like dutchsince or the Socio-Economics History Blog, and others. Some may be addicted to the little fame their online presence gives them, others clearly lack an explanation for how on earth they can afford a 100% online presence. Information Overload takes you back to square one where you have been before waking up to some degree.

6. There is no God – Except you (?!)

The idea of a loving, eternal and infinite Friend behind the scenes is SO frustrating for the occult who rather try to attract you and your ego with their “Secrets” and their methods of making you your very own “God”. Watch out while they increasingly open state their hatred against old spiritual traditions and any philosophy that contains modesty and love for all living beings.

7. Masked Usage of Occult Symbolism

It’s an easy prediction: The more you learn about the Symbolism of the ancient Mystery Religions, the more you uncover some of them at your favorite truther hero’s site and products.

8. Censorship

Be critical, be thoughtful, and comment where it’s appropriate, then check for reactions (or the lack of it). Some just don’t like anything that would work against their hidden agenda and are even as stupid as to block or delete critical comments, as regularly seen with my own eyes at sites like Vigilant Citizen, Alles Schall und Rauch, We Are Change Switzerland). Can it become more blatant?


I agree that those are not definite criteria and some may appear biased of a specific spiritual world view. Spiritual warfare so to speak. Comparing the essence of the different teachings, possibly validate them in my life, search for the roots of different dogmas: it all helps me a great deal in keeping an overview on the “movement”. Maybe and hopefully some of it will protect you from disappointments, too…

Namaste, Chaukee

Short Warning: Vigilant Citizen is a Illuminati Disinfo Agent!

For those of you that are in the conspiracy movement longer than I am – sorry, probably nothing new for you (perhaps you like then my article about Sitchin? 😉 ). For the rest that wants to get informed about the dark networks that are running this world and check blogs like the one of Vigilant Citizen: Beware! This guy is 100% a disinfo agent.

Is Chaukeedaar getting paranoid?

Ok, here is the story. I only occasionally run across the blog articles of VC the last couple of months and I’m only registered to new articles for some weeks now. I found them always interesting, somewhat very founded information there, just remember the famous article Sinister Sites – Astana, Khazakhstan for example. Thought he was just someone who worked in the Illuminati industry for some time and then decided to uncover the cabal. You probably thought about the same, right?

What I found strange was that logo for “The Global Information Network” on his site. It looked to me like one of these US-three-letter logos of these private cabal armies CIA, NSA, DHS, you name it. When today I saw that VC charges 10$ for his new e-book, I got suspicious (sorry, that’s just me) and decided to follow that GIN-add:

What I found was quite shocking to me: GIN tries to attract people who are interested in the Illuminati more of a subconscious feeling that they would like to be IN themselves, to feel that power to be special and inside a secret society:

One thing I will say though, is that Global Information Network markets on playing with people’s desires to feel “Special” and be included in some sort of ‘Secret Society’. Now, why people buy into stuff like that I don’t know, and how ‘Special’ is a secret society that makes you pay $150 a month and $1000 to join… well, I’ll leave that for you to decide.
Omar Briones [Source]

GIN tries to create an atmosphere of human equality and fair information participation:

There is a New World Order forming that is designed to increase the gap between the wealthy and the average working man. GIN does not agree with this movement of total control over individuals. GIN believes that EVERY person has the right to know the secrets of creating the life they want and enjoying freedom, pursuing happiness, and achieving all their dreams and desires.

But on the same page

Not all applications will be accepted and not everyone qualifies.

Kevin Trudeau, again…

I did not have to read a lot on that site to be remembered of Kevin Trudeau (I already reported about that Illuminati shill before) and right, GIN is actually another marketing and money machine of the master of cheating.


Back to topic: So there we have Vigilant Citizen advertising for GIN. Before, people have seen ads for a book about Aleister Crowley, the infamous Satanist and top freemason, on VC’s site. You also find dozens of people who report that VC has censored their comments when they were obviously not 100% in line with VCs opinion, or should I say, agenda.

So WHY does he play that game?

they are linking people to proven disinformation agents AND trying to make money off of their readers for referring them to the disinfo material…sorry, but real truthers and fighters of the new world order would not do this. It is a deceptive marketing technique by the agents. I will admit the website is loaded with lots of truths and good info….BUT – THAT is exactly how disinformation, or counter intelligence agents work. Trust me, they are not genuine. 90% of truth movement and illuminati exposing websites are in fact setup by agents – it was all manufactured because they knew people were starting to wake up. this has actually been an ongoing battle for many years now online. but i am sure you are at least somewhat aware of this by now.
UsualSuspekt [Source]

I guess VC is there to make us believe that the Illuminati are all-powerful and everywhere and program us to think we are already lost. Plus: To make some bucks from it, occult people love money and power foremost…

You know, I get so TIRED of my good faith getting abused regularly by these Illuminati manipulators! I would already be happy if my article only prevents ONE other person to feel that same frustration…

PS: I do not censor any comments. VC, if you are out there, you are free to respond. Or one of the team behind the name!

PS 2: For the case you ask yourself why chaukeedaar is on the web on october 28th, when the resistance is supposed to stop the system for one day: I crawl out of the globalist system step by step in my own pace. I don’t need a specific date for that, and I don’t want ALL the system to be stopped as I cannot take the responsibility of all the dead and suffering people from such an event… I want the top and globalist part of the system to end, not everything, as I’m not a communist nor an utopist.

Update 12/20/2011

As of today, this short article of mine got 699 comments in about two months. My post about VC’s sinister connection to the Illuminati scam site “GIN” has kicked off a discussion that uncovered other unethical/totalitarian habits of the VC crew (especially in regards of censoring posts that contained unwanted questions towards VC and banning a load of members without warning and reason). We had a full spectrum of COINTELPRO techniques spreading out on my blog, many weird imaginary “people” have come over from the VC forums and tried to hijack the discussion first towards religion, then to fake impersonation games, and also to pornography. But also many honest, bright thinking people stepped in, you may want to search for the comments of “femalopharo”, “Not Your Ordinary Citizen”, “Pluto”, “truthseer” and “io”. It really was a shitstorm, but it was worth it if I read comments like that one from femalepharo:

From the occult perspective, it has been said that Masonic images and other things appear purposely because through giving us these secrets they stick to their own codes and basically initiate us without our knowledge. If you are a read person of revelations, as I do not claim to be, one of the questions was “if you know the mark of the beast why would you receive it”? Obviously, it is through trickery and only the wise will refuse it.

THE SITE IS AN INITIATION! Remember the question of: “are we just seeing this more because we realize it, or are they doing it more now for publicity” .
HA! It is both! And the publicity is getting us accustomed to their rank and file in the order.

Namaste, Chaukee