Star/Pentagram Cult

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
But by their fruit you will know them.

The sick wave of casting shows has one, designed learning effect on the audience and the egocentric candidates: You have to fully prostitute yourself, obey the stupidest of your masters wishes, and let go of all your former values, then “the system” will reward your selling out. As Mike Kroeger from Nickelback (another puppet in the illuminati music industry) said it in his song “Rockstar”:

I’m gonna trade this life For fortune and fame I’d even cut my hair And change my name

Is it a surprise that the propaganda agencies of the tv networks preferably use the pentagram in the logos of these shows? Why is the “star”, as a symbol of success in the entertainment industry, used in the first place?

The Rise of a Dubious Symbol

The five-pointed star, as used in todays star-cult, geometrically is identical to the occult pentagram:

A pentagram (sometimes known as a pentalpha or pentangle or a star pentagon) is the shape of a five-pointed star drawn with five straight strokes.

Lately I see dozens of star tattoos, on a daily basis. I guess 99% of the fashionista tattoo wearers have no idea what the hidden background of the star-cult is they unconsciously follow. On the other hand, most people will sense that getting and having a tattoo has some ritualistic, unnatural, almost occult aspect to it – that’s why it’s so “cool”, right? Then there are others like Rihanna who know damn well what master they owe submission to

The willful popularization of the pentagram in the entertainment industry leaves its traces in the mind-controlled masses:

Pretty, isn’t it? At least better than the six-pointed (also occult) hexagram?

Mass Mind-Control: Acclimatization to What exactly?

Considering who owns todays media corporations and what their agendas of forming  reality by mass mind-control is, they do not use symbols like the five-pointed star accidentally. To the contrary: It has a long history from the ancient mystery religions, through cabalistic/talmudic judaism, injected into all secret societies of the modern age, and now present in the greedy minds of the wicked globalist “leaders” of politics, economy and religions/new age movement, and of course hollywood and the music industry.

Among the many meanings the pentagram as a symbol has had throughout history, it’s use by todays worldwide, hidden hand (freemasonry, zionism, secret societies in general), is clear, but officially denied: the symbol of their “god”, lucifer, the “blazing star”, “goat’s head of baphomet”:

Nevertheless, the potency of a symbol has more to do with its associations and its commonality than with its antiquity and the pentagram today is ubiquitous amongst neo-pagans.

Symbols mean what the users want them to mean—and meanings change.

Some major part of the masonic symbolic believe system comes from the mystery religion’s knowledge of celestial movements. Venus, the “morning star” and home planet of lucifer, sketches a pentagram into the solar system by it’s the celestial motions.

Baphomet, Satanic Figure with un-inverted Pentagram

Does the direction of the pentagram make a difference?

Historical depictions of the pentagram were as likely to be points down as point up- a distinction between one or the other was rarely made by the ancients


In relation to Satanism it obviously does not matter if it’s pointing up or down, just see the baphomet figure at right.

It’s not only the music industry, maybe “inspired” by Satanic Hollywood, hyping the coolness of the five-pointed star , but dozens of countries seem to have a crush for the pentagram:

The Pentagram and the Occult Elite

The pentagram is used as a distinctive mark among all the nations that have been founded or undermined by the masonic and/or zionist elite:

So, What’s my Point…?

In my humble opinion, the believe in some occult forces coming from symbols is just some silly superstition of people being blinded by the crafted “mysteries” around secret societies. BUT: By opening your eyes to “their” symbols and codes you can learn how they communicate hidden – in wide open public, that is (you may also want to do a quick research on the eye of horus, the pyramid with illuminated capstone, and masonic hand signs), and more importantly, don’t fall for their system of mind-control and conditioning they’re spreading by their media and products. This is just one more little call to the people out there to open your eyes, see the obvious connections for what they are and wake up!

Namaste, Chaukee

Zecharia Sitchin: Inventing the Nibiru and Annunaki Lie on Behalf of the Illuminati

(Translation: Zur deutschen Version dieses Artikels)

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
But by their fruit you will know them.

It must have been around the infamous year 2003 that I ordered a book by Zecharia Sitchin – “The 12th Planet”. Absolutely innocent I was looking for information on Aliens and UFOs and stumbled upon the Zeta-Talk website (unbelievable, but this crap is still online!). This whole earth-cataclysm-pole-shift-armageddon scenario was very new and very shocking to me at the time, so by Sitchin’s work I planned to deepen my information on that subject. He is the one who introduced the ancient myths about Nibiru as Planet X and the alien visitors of the Annunaki. His claims are propagated all over the web, so I won’t reproduce them here.  Fortunately I never came post the first couple of pages – this stuff was just boring and with no scientific persuasive power. Now, almost a decade later and by the help of my friend Stefan from, I understand why my intuition hindered me from wasting my time with Sitchin.

Ancient Sumerian Tablet, The 1st recorded civilization on earth

The “Ancient Languages Scholarship” Lie

Sitchin’s self-introduction on the back of his books and on the internet always tried to imply that he had graduated in ancient languages and history. But the simple truth is:

Sitchin graduated from the London School of Economics, University of London, majoring in economic history., Wikipedia

At the time Sitchin wrote his books, there was absolutely no chance of correctly translating ancient Sumer without thoroughly studying this language and the ancient tablets for a long time, and surely not by studying Economic history! One of the most distinct and qualified critics of Sitchin’s thesis is Dr. Michael Heiser, M.A. and Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages. The scientific questions in his Open Letter to Sitchin from 2001 were never answered convincingly, nor will they ever be – not because Sitchin died in 2010, but because his claims were a complete hoax.

Zecharia Sitchin is not a scholar of ancient languages. What he has written in his books could neither pass peer review nor is it informed by factual data from the primary sources.

Likewise when Mr. Sitchin tells readers things like the Sumerians believed there were twelve planets, the Anunnaki were space travelers, Nibiru was the supposed 12th planet, etc., he is simply fabricating data. It isn’t a question of how he translates texts; the issue is that these ideas don’t exist in any cuneiform text at all.
Dr. Michael S. Heiser

Sitchin’s Involvement with the Illuminati / High Freemason

Crest of City of London

To produce fake “scientific” research results and to invent another, most entertaining ancient astronauts story – this can have different motivations. Did Sitchin just try to copy Erich von Dänikens success by abusing the Sumerian sources that are only really known and “debunkeable” by a handful of people on this planet? Was it money, or did he even believe in his own theories?

To give another light on this question it is most interesting to dive into the real role the “London School of Economics”, where Sitchin studied, takes in the world of the powerful global elite, the dark cabal of the Illuminati/top Freemason/Zionists.

The London School of Economics is a part of “The City of London“, the financial and factual power center of the western world, owned and ruled by the Illuminati faction of the Rothschild’s, and serves as talent factory for their economic leaders. We can safely assume that most if not all of these students are initiated on various degrees of the local masonic lodges, their secret “knowledge”, their occult rituals and apocalyptic belief systems.

The Goal of the Nibiru and Annunaki Lie

As Armin Risi describes it in “TranscEnding the Global Power Game“, various secretive organizations have always believed in a coming political messiah that would run their planned world government / New World Order, stating of course that Jesus was not the announced messiah. Belief in alien Gods as well as etherial entities is a core component of their “secret knowledge” and rituals, as well as the key masonic and apocalyptic principal, “Out of Chaos Comes Order”. If we combine all these aspects of this brotherhood belief system, Zecharia Sitchin comes right out of this tradition: The apocalyptic planet Nibiru, the Annunaki, genetic masters and “Gods” of mankind.

I really cannot say if Sitchin was knowingly distributing these lies, or if he was just abused by masonic deceivers *. In their goal of creating a global atmosphere of Armageddon, the Illuminati made a clever move by injecting the tale of Nibiru into the UFO and New Age communities. As a blogger or YouTube author, you only have to include a word like Nibiru and you get immense hits and feedback from the scared audience. It’s shockingly easy to program our minds!

* Update: It’s proven that Sitchin was a high freemason, so he surely was not abused by them, but played a major part in distributing luciferian disinformation:

Zecharia Sitchin and Jordan Maxwell Masonic Handshake?

Zecharia Sitchin (FREEMASON WHORE and CIA operative) Sumerian Tablets=BAALshit

Update 26.01.2017: Nice video giving a better interpretation of Zachs Planet-X-Tablet as well as putting him into the bigger context of the masonic deception:

New Age Belief Systems: Please be Careful and Intuitive!

New Age or New World Religion? The base geometries of Metatron, a New Age God, matches those of the masonic symbol: Coincidence?

I recently ran across an evident intermixture of New Age/2012 scenario with Satanism/Masonry. This post is intended to keep our alertness and intuition alive when dealing with New Age “information” that is all around the blogosphere , YouTube and the web in general and I’m very curious how my readers comment on this.

New World Order Plans

Even if you think all this web-talk of Illuminati and Freemason has nothing to do with reality and is just pure conspiracy theory you have to acknowledge some facts that do sum up to a sea of evidence all heading in the same direction.

Bilderberg Group

Every year, 300 of the most wealthy and/or powerful people of this planet meet on the Bilderberg meetings. In contrast to other meetings like Davos, public or media is not allowed and the discussions are 100% secret. This is not conspiracy theory, but fact. See the official Bilderberg website and the list of the Bilderberg participants of 2010 in spain. You can do a quick search on persons from the lists of 2008-2010 like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Bill Gates, and you find yourself in the deepest mud of war and economic criminals. What do they discuss or even decide every year? See also Bilderberg Group at Wikipedia.

Exactly the same statements go for the Trilateral Commission.

Bohemian Groove

Since Alex Jones’ famous video footage from inside Bohemian Groove its undeniable that the participates in the annual Bohemian Groove meetings are into occult  rituals. These people are the top elite taken from the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and others, important to note: also many U.S. presidents… Here is a good overview on the participants. The top freemason are known to worship Lucifer, mock God and try to become Godlike with the help of Satan/Lucifer. They are also into child abuse and child pornography, just see my post “Still sceptic if the NWO/Illuminati are into Satanism?

Alex Jones from for example has gathered together an overwhelming amount of evidence and prove that these people, generally summed up as Illuminati and top Freemason, sometimes also called the Black Kabal or Secret Government, are planning a world government under their rule for more than two decades now. George W. Bush, a top Freemason, announced the New World Order in all openness when he was President of the United States, but they are still far away from their final goal. Here is an extensive article on most of the known Illuminati, their organization and their agenda on MattMariott’s Blog.

The New World Religion

So far, nothing new, you might say. Now the interesting and confusing part starts with their planned New World Religion. This fabulous article on the Illuminati Conspiracy Archive shows the core of their belief system. Freemason W.L. Wilmhurst wrote in this book “The Meaning of Masonry“:

He begins his Masonic career as the natural man; he ends it by becoming through its discipline, a regenerated man… This the evolution of man into superman—was always the purpose of the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is, not the social and charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like quality.

The goal of a One World Religion is also clearly specified in their texts:

“[Freemasonry] makes no profession of Christianity, and wars not against sectarian creeds or doctrines, but looks forward to the time when the labor of our ancient brethren shall be symbolized by the erection of a spiritual temple whose moral grandeur shall be commensurate with civilization; a temple in which there shall be but one altar and but one worship; one common altar of Masonry on which the Veda, Shastras, Sade, Zend-Avesta, Koran, and Holy Bible shall lie untouched by sacrilegious hands, and at whose shrine the Hindoo, the Persian, the Assyrian, the Chaldean, the Egyptian, the Chinese, the Muhammadan, the Jew, and the Christian may kneel with one united voice celebrate the praises of the Supreme Architect of the Universe.”
The Kentucky Monitor, p. 95, Grand Lodge of Kentucky

The “secret” jewish sect of Kabbalah (yes, the one with Madonna and Britney Spears) also promotes the same Satanist ideas among its adherents (you are meant to be a receiver and become God-like). The Truther Girls on YouTube sneaked into a Kabbalah starter course, the restrained statements of the Kabbalah-Rabbi speaks for its own: Truther Girls Infiltrate the Illuminati: Kabballah.

An example of New Age – Masonic Mixture

On YouTube you find the video 2012 Transformation into LOVE secret hidden ancient TRUTH Manly P. Hall created by a user called Burkard. I really liked the message of the speaker Manly P. Hall, a 33. degree freemason, in this video and the visuals consist of the known intermixture of sacred geometry and New Age angelic figures. But I was very disturbed by the positive message coming from a freemason. That’s why I asked in the commentaries of this video how this is explainable. You can check the answers from different readers yourself, here are the core quotes:

yes, you are right! this text is spoken by Manly P. Hall ( it is said that he was a freemason 33rd degree with huge knowledge about our ancient ancestors from atlantis) also the crop circles are done by our ancestors of light soul from a higher dimension.
Lucifer brings the light into life! he is the 5th element (ether, light). the only true religion of the soul is free masonry to become aware. the only religion of our ancients was free masonry. FIAT LUX…our gods will return…

don´t worry im searching for the truth of life and the only true religion is symbolism look at our ancient past, symbolism is more than words can explain

and you source for the one central consciousness is wrong…..Not because I think so, because HE is your creator. and he sent his son and you should not deny him! LOOK UP LAMININ and a picture of it and see that by HIM we are ALL held together.

That’s strong, isn’t it? Lets have a short summary: Lucifer brings the light and is the creator, masonry is the only true religion, and we accept extraterrestrials and inter-dimensional visitors as our Gods…!!!

Is this just coincidence, the work of an especially disturbed soul, or is this an example of fabricated seducement of spiritual humans?

Well, the answer is, it’s no coincidence! Many New Age ideas have masonic origins, again the Illuminati Conspiracy Archive gives a great overview of New Age Concepts.

Here is another obvious video example: Transformation 2012: Crop circle message mayan prophecy 3rd eye chakra pineal gland

Why Intermixture of Alien Beliefs is Important for the New World Religion Plan

From various insiders, for example Phil Schneider, R.I.P., it is known that the U.S. black programs of the CIA work together with malevolent, manipulative aliens since the fifties (this seven-part video of Phil Schneider is a MUST for every searching human!). The Black Kabal is said to place their New World Religion in a final, staged Armageddon and fake Second Coming of Jesus Christ around 2012 with the help of extraterrestrial technology (large holographic projections over the skies, UFOs flying around) and a fabricated/alien/genetically engineered Messiah that covers all known big religions. This scenario goes under the name of Projekt Blue Beam.

If this is true, the staged Second Coming from the Illuminati is hard to distinguish from the Ascension event of the New Agers. The same goes for some New Age believe systems  and Freemason Occultism.

I must admit that the central messages of most New Age believes is very positive and helpful:

  1. Be loving, unconditionally, love should be our central intent
  2. You are not your body nor your mind, find your true self/soul
  3. Be self-dependent, take full responsibility for yourself, your actions and your situation/problems
  4. Be interconnected with all living beings, the planet/Gaia and nature/the creation in general
  5. Acknowledge and be aware of your relation to the creator/source of everything (this is not part of all New Age believes)
  6. Avoid fear
  7. I guess there are more that don’t come up my mind right now, I’m curious about any input!

If the whole turnover of the 2012 hysteria leads to some of us humans live by the above principles, we as a human race have won a lot. I just have the suspicion that some of the movements are fabricated and manipulative and that’s why I stay attentive.

Perhaps you too might want to stay observant when your New Age gurus talk of you becoming a God or Freemasonry being the only true religion. You might be bluffed by your enemy.

Who is Chaukeedaar?

Young Lord Krishna, Incarnation of God on Earth some 5’000 Years Ago.

Chaukeedaar is my nickname for the purpose of this blog and it is the hindi word for “guard”. Below you will find the reason why I chose this name. If there will be a good reason or need in the future for me to make my real name public, I will do so.

For all the following posts I think it might be useful to shortly tell my spiritual background in this current incarnation in the most open manner I can. Most of it tells of a rather average life, I guess.


I was born in a small western town in december 1972. I was raised in a moderate catholic tradition and I remember that we worker kids were quite sceptic in the religious education classes.

With about 6 years I run into the hands of some fundamental evangelists who were proselytizing among the children in our quarters. The wild stories about angels, demons and the like first found a very absorbing mind in myself, but soon I had problems with the strange pressure of their sectarian methods and I quit after a couple of weeks.

When I hit puberty, my father suddenly begun to show a new, tyrant side in regard of his Catholicism. I was forced to go to church up to when I left home with 20 years of age. So in church, during mostly very boring catholic sermons, I spent many hours of questioning christianity and the bible.


Long before my high school years it became clear that I was best in geometry. Later, physics and to some degree biology, became my core competence, which I used to build a materialistic view on everything and question any religious belief system. In retrospect this can easily be interpreted as backlash to the indoctrination by my more and more superstitious father.

My main influence of this time was a book called “The evolution of consciousness”, which was, for my age, a huge and very scientific reading. That time, I strongly tried to understand my existence as mere functions of my brain, but also kept the possibility of having a soul in focus. Up to the end of my twenties I was a strong agnostic, meaning that I tried to not believe anything but to search and keep any possibilities open.

I started to study history, which proved to me the pure cultural and man-made background of the bible in contrary to the perception of fundamentalists, that their holy book is God written. I also started my studies in information technology, which I both quit after 2 years and started to work as a software developer and analyst.

Turn around in my belief system

While reading Doctor Raymond A. Moody’s book “Life after Life”, which is a quite thorough investigation in near death experiences, I realised that this was the first time in my life that I found provable evidence that we definitely have a soul that outlasts our physical lives. I also read about his critics that argued from a materialistic, “brain is everything” standpoint and found that they could by far not explain what was going on in the reports of near death experiencers.

On my travels to New Zealand and Australia I read two books that I bought from a Krishna monk when I was a kid. I got these two books for 20 bucks (an amount I was asked to choose myself):

These two books, which I consider my most important readings in my life so far, were written respectively translated by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, a holy man in my eyes. The ancient vedan wisdom is covering many questions of existence, the universe, the soul, the worlds beyond, so much deeper and broader than any other religious book I know of.  When I now meditate or send my gratefulness to the creator, I call him Krishna. That way I have a much more positive, friend-like image of him in my mind than to call him God, a word which is – sad enough – somehow contaminated by my catholic background.

On the more scientific side I occupy myself with universal theories and try to understand books like “Three Roads to Quantum Gravity” by Lee Smolin but also complete fresh approaches like Nassim Haramein’s Crossing the Event Horizon.

The realistic Alien Dream

On a sunday night during september 2010 I had a most realistic encounter in my dream of something invisible, but slightly distorted, standing right to me beside my bed during my sleep. It was only a matter of seconds until this something invaded into my mind very brutally and determined. I immediately and instinctively fought back by shouting out so loud the name of Krishna that it felt like all the universe must have heard it 😉
The violation of my free will and integrity stopped in a matter of a part of a second and I also awoke that very moment.

For fear I could hardly sleep the rest of the night. I was already working up my encounter and realized that in my dream I was dreaming of myself dreaming… Sounds complicated, but I can tell that the location where my bed and the “alien” was positioned in the dream was slightly turned from my bed in reality of about an angel of 30 degrees. I so rather think that this was no real encounter, but nevertheless started a new phase of investigation in my life.

The search for truth

That’s when I started to search the web for information about dreams and aliens/UFOs to find out with what I have been dealing with. Before I already was quite interested in the UFO phenomenon and read books by Erich von DänikenTony Dodd and the like. I watched almost every episode of The X Files and found they got more and more disturbing instead of clarifying. With the information that I have now I suspect that the creators of the X Files knew much more about what was and is going on than most people at that time did. Remember that the internet was still lifting off. Just research for Majestic 12/Majic 12/Majestic Trust/ M12/ MJ 12/MJ XII/Majority 12 and you have a first entering point to a vast area of evidence.

Negative ETs

The alien/dream connection guided me to the web site of Eve Lorgen. If you have the same mindset I had, that all aliens are supreme beings and positive in their spiritual orientation, I suggest to read all of her articles. It should be obvious that being encountered by ET’s without your approval, being abducted, tested, mind manipulated and the like – there are thousands of testimonies on the web – this is NOT right and would never be done to a living soul by any positive entity of this universe and beyond. I then dug deeper and followed the information traces of the abducting “gray” aliens, their masters, the reptilian/draconians and orions, the world conspiracy of the illuminati around Bush senior and Prince Philip,  and all down to the most negative spirit leading all of this, also called Lucifer.

Here are some of the more profound sources:

Positive ET’s

At the moment I quite frankly do not know what of all this information about malevolent visitors I can trust or can be verified with the search power of a normal human being as I am. By the sheer overwhelming amount of sites, opinions and videos on the subject of these ET’s (or EBE’s, Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, as called by the program) this can all become quite frightening, which is always a bad mood for any soul.

After my dream, with all that information flooding my brain during the following two weeks, I also started to manoeuver myself into a position of constant fear and starting paranoia. I tried to fight it with meditation, praying, thinking positive, but only got rid of my fear when I found information about the positive, benevolent and helping entities around us, the Andromedans being in the first row of them. That’s when I found Alex Collier’s articles, videos and his online book “Defending Sacred Ground“. I feel the greatest thankfulness and love for Alex, a most honest and true person as I sense him, victimizing a quite life for ongoing extraterrestrial contacts with the ET’s from Andromeda and porting all the information to us.

Update as of 17.07.2012: Please forgive the greenness of my first steps as a blogger in the alternative “truther” scene. David Wilcock (together with his lying “insider” Benjamin Fulford) has clearly been debunked as a New Age/cabal disinformation agent, probably just an actor hired by some three-letter agency to work for a hidden agenda. Same goes for Project Camelot, its founders being secret society members.

Last but not least I would like to point out another important and very interesting person: David Wilcock. He always brings most surprising, but convincing, topics to mind, he is a great enrichment of my life, thinking and feeling. A good starting point into his work is his famous videos The 2012 Enigma and DAVID WILCOCK at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009 .

Activation of my resistance

The recent repression against Wikileaks by the powerful (life threats against Julian Assange  by US politicians, observation of the Wikileaks organization by the US, big business like Mastercard, Visa, PayPal, Swiss Post playing mad) showed me that a substantial part of the information about conspiracies might well be true. The past years and weeks also showed to have an increasing rate of truth being disclosed and people choosing their side on the negative/egoistic and positive/altruistic, as foreseen by prophets like David Wilcock. I find there is also much evidence that the scale is tipped towards the good which makes me feel excited and happy at this moment.

For me, the evil has shown its face too clearly these days, consider my resistance as activated.

Chaukeedaar, the guard

I honestly never attempted to visit a hypnotist for finding out who I was in my prior incarnations. All the time I just felt that the creator (or his higher dimensional helpers) had a reason to block this materialistic world so consistently from the spiritual world and higher dimensions, which includes remembering prior lives. But that is just my perception.

On the other hand, thinking of what I could have been or wanted to be in the following worlds, being a guard or protector for the creator just absolutely feels perfect for me.

Ok, I know this is a way too large start for a blog post, I promise the following, real posts will be shorter 😉

My next post will be on “Wikileaks – or – Have the Illuminati underestimated the Internet?”