UFO Disclosure is almost official: Former Canadian Defence Minister steps forward!

My recent article You should get accustomed to UFO and Alien Reality now! has obtained very prominent and respectable affirmation, from Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer:

Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defence Minister

We lived too long in a sense of isolation, thinking that Earth was the center of the cosmos, that we were the only species and, therefore, probably the most advanced. And when we come to the realization that we’re not any of those things, then I think we should be aware of it, learn to live with it and certainly try to take advantage of anything that we can learn from visitors from anywhere

This video of Mr. Hellyer’s talk at the X-Conference at the National Press Club, Washington D.C, should no longer be ignored by the public:

Other valuable articles with Mr. Hellyer’s statements:

The Real Significance of Wikileaks as seen by Stefan Molyneux

I’ve been a supporter of Wikileaks for some time (just see Why most Wikileaks Write-up is hypocritical, Wikileaks OR Have the Illuminati/Freemason underestimated the Internet? and The Illuminati Plan to abuse Wikileaks is rolling…), both financially and mentally. The following text is taken from the video below of the famous web philosopher and host of freedomainradio.com, Stefan Molyneux. He puts down the point about the real significance of Wikileaks so well, I had to transcript it for you to enjoy too (I’m sorry for my bad english).

The Wikileaks thing is beautiful. It is a complete sunrise of light lending on the absolute stinking evil of the ruling classes. It is beautiful, because, you see, the morality that we live under, its like a big rock rolling down a mountain side towards a little village of average citizens. Its only one way, it only bounces down the hill, it only goes one way.

But with Wikileaks its going two ways. You know the government can go through all of your bank accounts, through all of your health records, can send  their ferocious little spider cookie robots into every knuckle and cranny of your existence. And here, whats happening is, they are getting a tiny taste of whats like to be on the receiving end of that. A tiny taste! And they are going completely insane. I mean, if you’ve got literally dozens of US and Canadian and I think even a couple of Australian nut job dirt bad ass clowns at the top of the media in these countries calling for a literal mafia hit on this guy.  A literal mafia hit on this guy,who has been very careful about what he’s revealed. Who has revealed his information only through “Der Spiegel”, “The New York Times” and other mainstream articles. They’ve all published it first. And it had far wider reach.

I mean, Assange is a complete genius when it comes to marketing, because he knows, if he just dumped a hundred thousand files somewhere down the internet, nobody would give a red sock because it would take forever to go through it. But he sat down, he worked with all of these mainstream media organizations to release all of this information through them, gave them exclusives. Now is the government calling for the assassination of the head of the New York Times? Of course not! Because they need the New York Times to keep the docile masses lulling around, not seeing the thunder-cloud of the pending Fiat currency disaster that is coming down. So they’re going after this guy. You’re seeing the glove coming off the fist, the sword coming out of the  scabbard, the velvet cover falling away from the gun, and you’re seeing those hysterical crazy sociopaths, calling for the slaughter, the hit, its like it seeing out of a mafia movie.

And so I think its pretty unsettling to people to see “oh my goodness”, if we do one tenth of one tenth of one percent to the ruling classes what they have done to us, they call for murder. I mean, it’s completely insane, it’s completely hysterical, and its usherly revealing. It’s finally becoming light enough in the room that even people without the infrared goggles of philosophy and libertarianism and anarchism are actually seeing what is going on in the corridors of power. So I take my hat of him for that. I mean, the man has balls of titanium,  he really is quite an outstanding character.

He has its own issues, he was raised in a cult and he spent most of his teenage years on the run from one of his mother’s slaughterous or murderous ex boy friends. So he’s got his own issues for sure, and I’m not saying that he is a clear-eyed moral hero, he has his flaws, he bangs around with the groupies, I would say, a little bit too much. Dips his wikch in a little bit of a post feminist asset – but – who among us is perfect and I certainly don’t want to cast the stone in that direction. I think it’s a beautiful and revealing thing.

And whats happening now of course is that the Bank of America is in this guy’s sight, right? And so whats happening is: The Bank of America’s data, he has got 5 Gigs of e-mail and stuff, and all considered to be unbreachable internal by the Bank of America. And whats happening is, if the Bank of America knew that their foreclosures were illegal, because nobody owns these houses any more. The deeds have been blown up and scattered all into the four winds. If the Bank of America foreclosed illegally, there is gonna be lawsuits that will simply take them down, there is no money left for bailout. So I mean he is doing an astounding job of exposing the corruptions in the U.S. economic system and legal system and – I can’t even call that a legal system, system of armed predation – He is a beautiful floor tragic hero, he’s just amazing.

Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio Interviewed on ‘Infrequently Asked Questions’.
Move to minute 10:53 for the Wikileaks part:

UFO Over Jerusalem: Possibly The Most Genuine UFO Footage Ever

Update as of 21.01.2015: Please note that after some more years of research I’m convinced that most “Alien” contacts have been demoniac/interdimensional in nature. This older article of this blog essentially lacks the information about the staged disclosure hype by New Age and Masonic disinformation agents. Please at least also read my article “Alien Disclosure in the near Future: How to Distinguish Positive from Negative Visitors“.

Two weeks ago I wrote an introducing blog post “You should get accustomed to UFO and Alien Reality now!”.
For the case you missed it or thought that you might ignore the topic any longer – here is a first reason and prove that the alien disclosure process is accelerating these days. Below I explain why this footage is much more genuine than most others and also the technical background of why alien UFO’s (and the reverse engineered copies of the U.S. black government) navigate the way they do.

Jerusalem UFO, Two Videos Synchronized, Best UFO Footage ever
(click the YouTube button to enlarge the video panel):

Some explanations of what you have just seen

This UFO over  Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem was filmed four days ago on January 28., 2011, 01:00 AM with several cameras from different positions and view angles. In this video, two films are combined and synchronized, the left video even contains the person filming in the right video. Here some arguments, why this is real extraterrestrial technology on the videos and not just faked by a very good video artist:

  1. First off: The two films are timely well synchronized, observe the “Wow” of the two people from the three sources (see the other videos below)
  2. The distances and angles the UFO is in relation to the surroundings matches exactly a three-dimensional positioning. You can see this if you are trained in spatial visualization. Or you can verify it by measuring and calculating the spatial vectors if you are good in maths… 😉
  3. The acceleration and movement of the UFO is identical in all 3 videos
  4. The size of the craft in the different videos correlates the distances of the cameras from the craft
  5. The craft moves noiseless. This is typical for gravitational technology. A helicopter could be heard from that distance at this silent night
  6. The third video shows the typical disk shape of the UFO
  7. The craft emits a constant white orb of light. This comes from the outer body of the craft when its atoms get excited by the large energy from the gravitational field that’s generated inside (explanation follows)
  8. After moving down over the dome and hovering there for some seconds, two flashes of light are emitted by the craft. The size and the intensity of the light bulb compares well in all three videos, taking into account the distances to the cameras
  9. The UFO flies away in a speed that would crush any biological entity when done in conventional “flight” manner. If this craft was “manned”, gravitational acceleration is needed for the passengers survival
  10. After minute 1:00 there are other red UFOs blinking one after another, a clear indicator to signal intelligent life is behind the phenomenon. This is the part that convinces me that the UFOs are not re-engineered/man-made

More videos of the same incident:

About gravitational propulsion

Bob Lazar, a physicist and former employee at S4, a secret underground research facility in the U.S., describes the results they got from backward-engineering UFOs in this 5 part interview (the real thrilling stuff starts after minute 4:45).

Essentially, UFOs can create gravitational fields that can be exactly focused and channeled. It is used to bend spacetime in exact shapes around the craft to make it move and even to virtually disappear (spacetime is bent so much that outside observers don’t see the craft any more, see Wikipedia article about spacetime). Another feature of travel by gravitational waves is that for the craft itself, the “movement” and “acceleration” forces are simply not there and not felt at the inside. That’s how the incredible acceleration and the often very sharp turns can be accomplished.

The following article on ATS describes Bob Lazar’s information quite short and easily understandable: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread59624/pg1
More detailed explanations and graphics: http://www.zamandayolculuk.com/cetinbal/PhysicsUFOPROPULSION.htm

Anti-Gravitational Engine of UFO’s, by Paul E. Potter

Extraterrestrial visit or reverse-engineered craft?

In new age circles there is much talk of the New World Order conspiracy planning a staged second coming of Jesus Christ somewhere from now to December 21st 2012. The argument goes that on that date, announced by the Maya’s for centuries, our world will completely change and be uplifted to higher/heavenly dimensions (4th density). The New World Order/Illuminati/Satanists are then said to be trying to circumvent this grand world change by orchestrating the whole world into chaos and making the majority of the world population become negatively spiritually oriented, and also creating a fake world religion, essentially a satanist/luciferian one, by this staged second coming, with the goal of keeping their negative power over the world and completely enslave humanity (when you recognize the role of many religions here on earth, that part is even passable for atheists, I guess). The whole performance would be implemented with large holographic projections and UFOs flying around, see Project Blue Beam for the source of all that…

That was quite much of a spiritual conspiracy information in one paragraph, wasn’t it? 😉 I have NO clue about, or prove for any of these thesis. In this new age cosmos the UFO of Jerusalem could be a part of the staged second coming, making people scared and ready for some really churning stuff.

There is even a “source”, called Sorcha Faal, that talks of the two light flashes encoding some information “beacons” with the message “Be of no fear as [we-it-I] return“.

I’d like to point out what my intuition tells me when watching this footage: The speed, timing and rhythm of the craft’s movements and light emissions must originate from benevolent visitors. The “end dance” of the UFOs (from minute 1:00) is clearly a sign of positive living beings.
As long as there is not the slightest proof for any of the above new age theories, despite the overwhelming information and sources on the web for the 2012 scenario, I go for the most logical interpretation: The UFO of Jerusalem was extraterrestrial in origin and is part of the slow acclimatization of the human population to alien presence.

1984 has become Reality in the USA!

Conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones have been right again: The New World Order criminals are implementing their fascist plans in REALITY!

Janet Napolitano And Wal-Mart:

Number one defense against propaganda: Humor:
Please report suspicious activity at Walmart to Janet Napolitano at DHS:


Truther Girls: New DHS Fear Campaign:

POLICE STATE 2010: Philly Cops Stopping & Searching Random People On The Streets:

You always hear about 1984 and don’t know what it is all about?  Check the Wikipedia article.

Still sceptic if the NWO/Illuminati are into Satanism?

As we all have limited abilities to prove truth, it’s always a good idea to be sceptic.  New World Order, illuminati, freemason, satanism – all idea’s of some psychopathic conspiracy theorists? Being too sceptic can become ignorant when you stop to have an open mind.

Before you watch this video, please consider my advice:

  • First, think exactly what child pornography is and what it means to children and how their life must be.
  • Second, watch this video and think who these criminals are, what positions these people have in the U.S., what influence they have on the world with their wars and how they try to cover up and protect each other.
  • Third,  re-evaluate your position on illuminati.

But it’s just an advice, everybody is free to stay ignorant! Personally I think this news should make all the people on the planet wake up.

5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography! (Why Is This Not A Bigger Story?):

If you wonder what is going on at the moment with Wikileaks, dead birds falling from the sky and insane government reactions, David Wilcock’s latest blog post is a great eye opener:

The "Illuminated Elite" - Arch-Masons directly involved in Black Magic Power Rituals and Paedophilia