You should get accustomed to UFO and Alien Reality NOW!

UFO, original or rebuilt, near Area 51

Update as of 17.07.2012: Even though I still believe that the evidence for hidden contacts between extraterrestrials and the U.S. “Shadow Government” between the fifties and nineties of the last century is undeniable, this older article of this blog essentially lacks the information about the staged disclosure hype by New Age and Masonic disinformation agents, as well as the plans for a false flag alien invasion in the near future by the world-wide, hidden secret society cabal, that goes under the name of Project Blue Beam. Truth that is incomplete can be misleading. Please at least also read my article “Alien Disclosure in the near Future: How to Distinguish Positive from Negative Visitors“.
The question if we are already visited by extraterrestrial entities divides the human population into roughly the following groups:
  1. We are not visited by aliens and UFOs, it’s just the talk of confused minds, it’s physically impossible, we are unique in front of our creator a.s.o…
  2. Many things are possible, but I’m waiting for a proof: I don’t believe in anything I haven’t seen with my own eyes
  3. I have seen UFOs but I’m unsure on how to judge my experience
  4. My intuition tells me that we are not alone, that the universe is not made just for mankind or for the sake of itself and that reality holds possibilities our science does not know yet
  5. The evidence is overwhelming and I’m a believer: Aliens and UFOs are for real
  6. I had undoubtable contact myself and I know it

This article is intended to open the minds of people in the groups 1. to 4. which may still be the larger part of this planets conscious inhabitants. My intention is not to be smart-alec but to relieve the shock a bit for as many people as possible when they will be confronted with a complex and frightening reality in the near future. Be prepared to be able to stay positive and loving.

UFO and Alien source 1: Government and military insiders

Captured, Gray Alien

There is already a confusing number of whistleblowers that in the last 50 years stepped forward and talked about UFO reality and the involvement of black U.S. government groups. Most of them have actively been ignored by mainstream media, some of them have been threatened, shot at or killed. Here are some of the most important and convincing:

Paul Hellyer: Former Canadian Defence Minister recently stepped forward and informed the public on his point of view on the UFO and alien cover up. Here are more details and his speech at the X-Conference at the National Press Club, Washington D.C.

Bob Lazar: The physicist and former employee at S4, a secret underground research facility, is very genuine as a person and in his information as you can see four yourself in this 5 part interview on YouTube (please be patient as the real thrilling stuff starts after minute 4:45). He’s the most accurate available source for information on UFO/anti gravitational technology.

Phil Schneider: Phil Schneider, one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys , US intelligence and military at the Dulce underground base, was found dead January 1996, due to what appears to be an execution style murder. Watch his talk to know why he was killed on YouTube.

Stanton T. Friedman: Physicist and the original civilian investigator of the Roswell UFO incident. See this article on AOL news and his speech about science and UFO reality here on YouTube.

William Pawelec: The U.S. Air Force computer specialist admitted in his deathbed that extraterrestrial UFO are real. Here is his interview on YouTube.

UFO and Alien source 2: Contactees

Alex Collier, Contactee with the Andromedans

Contactees are people who have met alien visitors face to face and/or have telepathic contact with them on a more or less regular basis. The people are generally quite open-minded and try to transport the visitors messages as broad as they can. So it’s quite easy to compare the content of each of them and with the other sources.

Alex Collier: He is one of the most genuine persons who is in regular contact with the benevolent humanoid ETs from Andromeda (Andromedan Council). His major work is putting out their unaltered message  in his book Defending Sacred Ground. There are also most wonderful interviews and conference videos on the net. If you get into that it may be one of the most valuable experiences you had in your life.

George Adamski: “Adamski was a philosopher who dwelt on a mountain- top in California. In 1953 he was taken aboard a flying saucer, flown to a mother ship, and entrusted with a mission. He was to communicate to Mankind the wisdom of the Space People” (excerpt from the book “George Adamski – The Story of a UFO Contactee” by Professor Salomon).

Billy Meyer: He is one of the most famous and debated UFO contactees (benevolent humanoid visitors from the Pleiaren). His claim of being the only real contactee harmed his reputation in the field.

UFO and Alien source 3: Mainstream media and governments

Crashed UFO, released KBG Top Secret Files

Public sources are starting to inform the citizens of various countries for the last few years.

The government of Great Britain started to release classified documents on UFOs in 2010.

The Indian government seems to be much more open to inform the public about its alien contacts and cooperative programs than other countries. India Daily puts out a lot of insider news in its technology section.

New Zealand has also opened its governmental UFO files.

It seems that Russia has released a top secret KGB video of a crashed UFO site from the cold war (see below).

Juilan Assange has announced that there will be information on UFOs in some of the diplomatic cables that are up to be released on Wikileaks (see article on The Guardian).

Its said that President Obama was about to inform the public in October 2009 about the alien contacts the U.S. military had since the Roswell incident. Why he stepped back is now subject to speculation in conspiracy theories.

Update: The FBI has made thousands of files available in a new online resource called The Vault. For example, in one of the memos, whose subject line is “Flying Saucers”, Agent Hottel reveals that an Air Force investigator had stated that “three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico”.

A general information of the Indian public by the Indian government (who is in a vast cooperation with benevolent visitors, like China, for the recent years) is said to take place somewhere in 2011.

KGB UFO Crash Video:

You’re still with me?

To not overwhelm you with information, let’s have a stop here. The web is full of such information and it’s quite hard to distinguish between the reasonable and the blatant. I hope this article helped in opening your awareness for UFO/Alien reality a little and motivate you to do your own research. But be prepared that what you find may not reflect the all positive image of aliens that you might have right at the moment. As here on earth, there are benevolent as well as malevolent groups of aliens visiting us. Your heart will always tell you with what spiritual orientation you are dealing with.

Some entry points for your further research (not in any specific order):


UFO Over Jerusalem: Possibly The Most Genuine UFO Footage Ever

6 thoughts on “You should get accustomed to UFO and Alien Reality NOW!

  1. Pingback: UFO Over Jerusalem: Possibly The Most Genuine UFO Footage Ever « chaukeedaar's blog

  2. Pingback: UFO Disclosure is almost official: Former Canadian Defence Minister steps forward! « chaukeedaar's blog

  3. Pingback: Alien Disclosure in the near Future: How to Dinstinguish Positive from Negative Visitors « chaukeedaar's blog

  4. Really enjoying reading all your stuff and source material. That jerusalem video was found out to be a hoax(sure you know that already) and phil schneider was a story maker. People like scheider and lazaar have problems proving their claims to where they worked but lazaar can back up his edication. As genuine and intriguing as phil schneider appeared he could not back up his education. Not only that but when quizzed on structural engineering in which he said he was world ranked in knowledge. He did not know the most basic of stuff. Not to mention his story was all over the place. Unlike lazaar whose story is very believable. I’m going to read montalks stuff, there is still so much i dont know about. Your blog is a treasure trove of information. Thanks!


    • Thanks alot! Well, I’m absolutely not perfect at all, especially when it comes to intuition and judging of unknown sources. In short, I’m normally too trustful 😉

      For the jerusalem video, I saw the initial debunking attempts, but found them not convincing at all (at least for a part of the videos, as there are several), but perhaps in the meantime I have overlooked some evidence that came up later?

      I completely believe your information about Schneider, he actually made the impression on me that he was in strong need of attentiveness… And I’m happy that you confirm Lazaar’s credibility somehow, thats a guy I can look in his eyes without any alarm bells ringing in my head 😉

      Really enjoy your feedback!


  5. Check out a book called “The Stargate Conspiracy”, it involves Zahi Hawass and Gene Roddenberry, they belonged to a group called Lab 9.


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