New Age Belief Systems: Please be Careful and Intuitive!

New Age or New World Religion? The base geometries of Metatron, a New Age God, matches those of the masonic symbol: Coincidence?

I recently ran across an evident intermixture of New Age/2012 scenario with Satanism/Masonry. This post is intended to keep our alertness and intuition alive when dealing with New Age “information” that is all around the blogosphere , YouTube and the web in general and I’m very curious how my readers comment on this.

New World Order Plans

Even if you think all this web-talk of Illuminati and Freemason has nothing to do with reality and is just pure conspiracy theory you have to acknowledge some facts that do sum up to a sea of evidence all heading in the same direction.

Bilderberg Group

Every year, 300 of the most wealthy and/or powerful people of this planet meet on the Bilderberg meetings. In contrast to other meetings like Davos, public or media is not allowed and the discussions are 100% secret. This is not conspiracy theory, but fact. See the official Bilderberg website and the list of the Bilderberg participants of 2010 in spain. You can do a quick search on persons from the lists of 2008-2010 like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Bill Gates, and you find yourself in the deepest mud of war and economic criminals. What do they discuss or even decide every year? See also Bilderberg Group at Wikipedia.

Exactly the same statements go for the Trilateral Commission.

Bohemian Groove

Since Alex Jones’ famous video footage from inside Bohemian Groove its undeniable that the participates in the annual Bohemian Groove meetings are into occult  rituals. These people are the top elite taken from the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and others, important to note: also many U.S. presidents… Here is a good overview on the participants. The top freemason are known to worship Lucifer, mock God and try to become Godlike with the help of Satan/Lucifer. They are also into child abuse and child pornography, just see my post “Still sceptic if the NWO/Illuminati are into Satanism?

Alex Jones from for example has gathered together an overwhelming amount of evidence and prove that these people, generally summed up as Illuminati and top Freemason, sometimes also called the Black Kabal or Secret Government, are planning a world government under their rule for more than two decades now. George W. Bush, a top Freemason, announced the New World Order in all openness when he was President of the United States, but they are still far away from their final goal. Here is an extensive article on most of the known Illuminati, their organization and their agenda on MattMariott’s Blog.

The New World Religion

So far, nothing new, you might say. Now the interesting and confusing part starts with their planned New World Religion. This fabulous article on the Illuminati Conspiracy Archive shows the core of their belief system. Freemason W.L. Wilmhurst wrote in this book “The Meaning of Masonry“:

He begins his Masonic career as the natural man; he ends it by becoming through its discipline, a regenerated man… This the evolution of man into superman—was always the purpose of the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is, not the social and charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like quality.

The goal of a One World Religion is also clearly specified in their texts:

“[Freemasonry] makes no profession of Christianity, and wars not against sectarian creeds or doctrines, but looks forward to the time when the labor of our ancient brethren shall be symbolized by the erection of a spiritual temple whose moral grandeur shall be commensurate with civilization; a temple in which there shall be but one altar and but one worship; one common altar of Masonry on which the Veda, Shastras, Sade, Zend-Avesta, Koran, and Holy Bible shall lie untouched by sacrilegious hands, and at whose shrine the Hindoo, the Persian, the Assyrian, the Chaldean, the Egyptian, the Chinese, the Muhammadan, the Jew, and the Christian may kneel with one united voice celebrate the praises of the Supreme Architect of the Universe.”
The Kentucky Monitor, p. 95, Grand Lodge of Kentucky

The “secret” jewish sect of Kabbalah (yes, the one with Madonna and Britney Spears) also promotes the same Satanist ideas among its adherents (you are meant to be a receiver and become God-like). The Truther Girls on YouTube sneaked into a Kabbalah starter course, the restrained statements of the Kabbalah-Rabbi speaks for its own: Truther Girls Infiltrate the Illuminati: Kabballah.

An example of New Age – Masonic Mixture

On YouTube you find the video 2012 Transformation into LOVE secret hidden ancient TRUTH Manly P. Hall created by a user called Burkard. I really liked the message of the speaker Manly P. Hall, a 33. degree freemason, in this video and the visuals consist of the known intermixture of sacred geometry and New Age angelic figures. But I was very disturbed by the positive message coming from a freemason. That’s why I asked in the commentaries of this video how this is explainable. You can check the answers from different readers yourself, here are the core quotes:

yes, you are right! this text is spoken by Manly P. Hall ( it is said that he was a freemason 33rd degree with huge knowledge about our ancient ancestors from atlantis) also the crop circles are done by our ancestors of light soul from a higher dimension.
Lucifer brings the light into life! he is the 5th element (ether, light). the only true religion of the soul is free masonry to become aware. the only religion of our ancients was free masonry. FIAT LUX…our gods will return…

don´t worry im searching for the truth of life and the only true religion is symbolism look at our ancient past, symbolism is more than words can explain

and you source for the one central consciousness is wrong…..Not because I think so, because HE is your creator. and he sent his son and you should not deny him! LOOK UP LAMININ and a picture of it and see that by HIM we are ALL held together.

That’s strong, isn’t it? Lets have a short summary: Lucifer brings the light and is the creator, masonry is the only true religion, and we accept extraterrestrials and inter-dimensional visitors as our Gods…!!!

Is this just coincidence, the work of an especially disturbed soul, or is this an example of fabricated seducement of spiritual humans?

Well, the answer is, it’s no coincidence! Many New Age ideas have masonic origins, again the Illuminati Conspiracy Archive gives a great overview of New Age Concepts.

Here is another obvious video example: Transformation 2012: Crop circle message mayan prophecy 3rd eye chakra pineal gland

Why Intermixture of Alien Beliefs is Important for the New World Religion Plan

From various insiders, for example Phil Schneider, R.I.P., it is known that the U.S. black programs of the CIA work together with malevolent, manipulative aliens since the fifties (this seven-part video of Phil Schneider is a MUST for every searching human!). The Black Kabal is said to place their New World Religion in a final, staged Armageddon and fake Second Coming of Jesus Christ around 2012 with the help of extraterrestrial technology (large holographic projections over the skies, UFOs flying around) and a fabricated/alien/genetically engineered Messiah that covers all known big religions. This scenario goes under the name of Projekt Blue Beam.

If this is true, the staged Second Coming from the Illuminati is hard to distinguish from the Ascension event of the New Agers. The same goes for some New Age believe systems  and Freemason Occultism.

I must admit that the central messages of most New Age believes is very positive and helpful:

  1. Be loving, unconditionally, love should be our central intent
  2. You are not your body nor your mind, find your true self/soul
  3. Be self-dependent, take full responsibility for yourself, your actions and your situation/problems
  4. Be interconnected with all living beings, the planet/Gaia and nature/the creation in general
  5. Acknowledge and be aware of your relation to the creator/source of everything (this is not part of all New Age believes)
  6. Avoid fear
  7. I guess there are more that don’t come up my mind right now, I’m curious about any input!

If the whole turnover of the 2012 hysteria leads to some of us humans live by the above principles, we as a human race have won a lot. I just have the suspicion that some of the movements are fabricated and manipulative and that’s why I stay attentive.

Perhaps you too might want to stay observant when your New Age gurus talk of you becoming a God or Freemasonry being the only true religion. You might be bluffed by your enemy.

7 thoughts on “New Age Belief Systems: Please be Careful and Intuitive!

  1. Pingback: Is Comet Elenin a Brown Dwarf Extinguishing Earth in October 2011? « chaukeedaar's blog

  2. Pingback: New Age Belief Systems: Please be Careful and Intuitive! (via chaukeedaar’s blog) | realconspiracies

    • Thanks for the links Sid! You’re right, would I have listened to Bill Cooper’s Mystery Babylon series before, I would have understood it all before 🙂
      God bless, Chaukee


  3. You are all foolish to believe everything you read on the internet. People are afraid of what they do not understand and in a whim, wanting to feel important, they make all kinds of assumptions based off of what other people on the internet have said in the same manner. Shame on you for what you do, as well as what you want to believe.

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