Conspiracy Theories versus Spirituality

I’ve translated the following article from the german original with kind permission of Steven from There is so much wisdom for the truth-seeking people in it – but also the doomed, egomaniac, psychopath and unloving might wake up from their blood lust. Read with your souls and understand!

Conspiracy Theories versus Spirituality

by stevenblack, October 6th 2011

It’s funny that the comment from Monika to the last post animated me to write about this subject. But the topic itself has occupied me for some time. You see, synchronicity within my articles can also work the other way, from you to me.

What I really find great .. 😉


For those who are not interested in the comments on my blog – which is unfortunate by itself, because this blog only gets interesting from the comments – here a brief play-back:

Recently I got back to my reading of “The Biggest Secret” by David Icke.
According to Icke, it looks like psychopaths are humans that do some preliminary work for certain entities. If we believe Icke, the entire political caste and economy is infiltrated by these people. Wouldn’t we call this system of control rather “stupid” if it would just left the esoteric and consciousness-movement aside?

It’s not about psychopaths, although they certainly have to play their role. But really at the heart of Monika’s comments lies the latent danger of disinformation, which is particularly important for those people who overcome the “conventional explanations” and began to ask their own questions.

And since such people – almost inevitably, one is tempted to say – turn to spirituality, Monika sees a danger coming upon those people by the esoteric – and other sources of the “consciousness industry”.


Of course she is absolutely right about it! And in the same context I would like to mention  another comment:

I even go a step further and think that this scene is an important part of the system so that the business with fear runs really smoothly.

Yes! One could even argue that in effect a significant number of the many offers of the “consciousness industry”  represent pivotal points of a program, a program that I would call “to the last resting place”.

It serves the purpose of lulling us back, those who are already awake and go their own way of self-responsibility. But still we should NOT fear these programs!

Of course there ARE mind control programs within esotericism and also, even especially, in spirituality, the “difference” might only be found in the degree and level of disinformation. They are something like a “last frontier”, to keep us inside the manipulator’s prison.

It may sound strange, but we can even benefit from disinformation, because disinformation actually “lives” from an intermixture of correct information and their lies. Of course, these are “detours”, as it takes time to realize this circumstance – but that should not be a problem if we simply continue on our “path” and keep searching in order to answer our questions.

THAT is essentially what drives me, for example! And I just think that this will also be the case for all other truth seekers: we have questions. And who is halfway earnest with himself, even the worst disinformation presents nothing else than a detour, a nuisance one, for sure.


But, after all, we are currently living in the most dense of all worlds known to us: The third dimension will NEVER be made as such that these answers come to us with ease. And it remains very doubtful if the “transformation process” will change this  – I do not know, but I doubt it. Sure, many things will become much easier, this rigid form of control and spiritual oppression will disappear. (Bye-bye – and don’t you write a postcard 😉 ..)

My realization is that all the experiences we have gone through as a soul – I do not only mean our human incarnations by that – taught us many different lessens. Sure, maybe, we have been here many times in human form, but we certainly have also been astral spirits, flowers, animals – who knows how old we really are as souls?

It seems to somehow be a long time since I began to seek for answers to all the many probing questions that forced themselves upon me, the older I got. Though it have only been 10-11 years in which I read mountains of “smart books”, listened to lectures and seminars, all from people who believed to have the ONE answer themselves..

And probably all of them thought to have THE ONE truth, a pure, true and genuine truth. Although, lets rather say, some of them thought so, as nowhere else there are as many disinfo agents among the “enlightened”, cheaper by the dozen – what I actually only know as of now.

As many other people I’ve rummaged through the sheer mass of conspiracy literature, which, indeed, by the 1990s where not so widely distributed. Still in the years 1970-1980, “Whistleblowers”, true ones indeed, were just killed. Then, since the 1990s, this was practiced more seldom by the powers to be, because there were more and more of these “maverick elements”,  and murder probably became rated as “inefficient way”. After all, a murder was a clear indicator for the direction where it originated from and served as some kind of “indirect proof”.


Who went though this old-school conspiracy literature is also aware that today this very genre has been twisted to an other way of “fear mongering”.

Really, I do not want to sugarcoat anything, there is some information out there that made me have the “hair on end”. This is certainly NOT a simple, nor easy way to get answers. And I can understand why many people say that they prefer to rather not know. Truths are scary, for sure, especially if you only know the “truths” fabricated by the “All Lies Media Corporation”, which only serve to keep us in happy sleep and shape reality according to their own wishes.

All those organizations, secret societies and semi secret, conspiratorial associations, with their negative rituals that even don’t halt in front of child sacrifices and God knows what other evil intentions they may have, may well lead to some people think: “Oh my God – we are all lost”.


The GOOD NEWS, however: This fearful state only lasts for a short time, for some it doesn’t even arise, but as I said, it only lasts for the process of “digesting” that information, processing it and put it into the right context.

This is where the all important “aspect” shows up, why it does not work without spirituality:

Without being “armed” with a spiritual way of thinking, or a positive philosophy respectively, fear is going to “eat you up”. A spiritual view of the whole issue however, which concerns, after all, our very “being human”, will show us that it does not have to bother us – may the “dark forces” and their human henchmen within the various organizations be so many and their intentions so wicked and perverted and their hearts so cold as possible!

The “right context” – in my view – is that we humans are by far more powerful and stronger than they like us to believe. Meanwhile, even that insight itself has become an “old hat”, since quantum physics shook the very foundation of our world view and offered a stable basis for this way of thinking to millions of people.


The “right context” is – we humans have creative powers that are, even in their smallest impact, visible by the so-called “observer effect”. It is said that the “high initiates” in the grades of the Illuminati would have so much knowledge that would be considered as downright fantastic, in comparison with “normal people”. Okay, that may have been like this once, but today it has become just meaningless.

Meanwhile, I’m relatively sure about this, it means nothing any more, absolutely nothing! At least not for those of us who are willing to learn. ALL KNOWLEDGE is now available again, although these groups attempt to dilute the underlying principles. It doesn’t help them any more!

Who REALLY wants to KNOW, gets it! It’s simple! The more we are connected to our true selves , our true kernel, and not with one of those artificial identities 😕 – the more confident and stronger we are inside, the easier we will get this information.

And just by the way, WHAT did they gain through all their knowledge? WHAT have they done with it? Correct: They sold it out for “30 pieces of silver”! It was used to suppress, in order to enrich themselves and directed against their very OWN SPECIES! (Comment by the translator: That is one theory, the other states that the global elite / cabal is partly not human and thus not part of our species 😉 )

They let themselves be lured by the “astral buttheads” (sorry, it just came over me ..) and let themselves be degraded to play their henchmen. Instead, this knowledge could have been utilized to build a FREE WORLD for FREE PEOPLE. There is no way to call this a “wise decision” ..


Okay, let us not overstate it: In reality, we can recognize their limited, oh-so “great power” from the fact that we had to  go through some “detours”, but finally the time has come, IT IS HERE and haunts into their astral long faces: their dead, cold and corrupt system will fall.

The time for fear programs has expired, all of their disinformation will not prevent this. Just as psychopaths try to imitate “normal people”, those elitist losers tried to imitate LIFE! Caught in the irrational belief that they were bigger, better, stronger than the Goddess/Creator/Creation, a very clear case of self-overhypedness.

The sooner we become aware of our repressed and hidden emotions again and allow them to be, the quicker we will get COMPLETE again. We humans are sentient, what after all is the most important “ingredient” from the force of creation. What essentially is the reason – why we are attacked so insistently from all possible directions.


It has become obvious, it’s not just any award, but a reality: KNOWLEDGE PROTECTS!

And finally to once again return to the beginning of this article, where Monika directed us to the fact that manipulation also exists in spirituality:

Sure, the human existence is often complicated, it is complex, as these matryoshka figures, you know, those ever-smaller, inside-each-other, Russian dolls. In fact, on this beautiful planet called Earth, there is “free will”, a concept that in its extreme form, unfortunately, includes the ability to break the will of others, to manipulate it, to seduce,  shape and harass.


Should we therefore go without spirituality? Or without conspiracy or awakening literature? Certainly not! That would mean the victory of these blenders and “owners of half-truths,” those “keepers of dead knowledge” and “soul sellers”. For my sake, leave them their “joy”, nothing more has grown from it than some detours and re-searches. Who really has questions does not stop seeking until he or her has found the answer that vibrates with him/her! That may lead to the unfortunate fact that as a human being you only get those answers you are mature and receptive for – but is that so bad?

It all takes its time ..

My God, let us lough about these buffoons, eventually we might even “give them credit” for that we internalized very well our knowledge we learned the hard way? But never would I go as far as to call them “necessary”, as some do in their very popular “light / dark” examples..


This world will be going much better, and the people on it, if this “variety” is threatened of extinction..

The conspiracy literature is a valuable, important part to bring people to the right track. By the way, interestingly, this is also the case of books about nutrition, they provide a ‘gateway’ to the true understanding of being human and it’s “schism”.

Oh, and to those of the conspiracy authors who thought to proclaim the ONLY truth: It’s even not possible mathematically from the sheer mass of these “answers”. Or, maybe it is? Perhaps it may have been right FOR THEM, that’s how I mean it works.

And that is why it is so important to have your own questions:

Because there are only your own and personal truths out there!

And only then, I suspect, will these truths truly make us FREE! Namely from the inside ..

3 thoughts on “Conspiracy Theories versus Spirituality

  1. I like how you have offered all this information in a way that people can make up their own minds. Here is something else that offers a new perspective on conspiracy versus spirituality:

    “This is to inform citizens of earth that a war has begun.

    On one side is the army of physical, actual humans who have secret knowledge as to how the history of the world has been faked. The people on this side want to keep the new world order progressing, thinking they can slip through a loophole by pretending to be honest leaders, and in some ways truly becoming more honest, such as by turning in several of their supporting groups as scapegoats. This is why there is a regular outing of nefarious groups, because the insider elite who rule the earth are cleaning house, and the media are working with them to accomplish this, as one of their groups.

    They also are pushing as hard as they can to create and continue a situation in which the general public believes their heroes to be honest people, and in some cases to have these heroes actually be genuine, and then pushed to be leaders, in a situation where it is guaranteed they will continue the development of key dishonest strategies.

    This may be confusing to hear, but it is like a see-saw, or a balance of weights and measures. They must come out on the honest side to continue to hold power over world events. So they are trying to tip this balance just as much as necessary, and in tricky ways, so that they are weighed with enough honesty to keep ruling, but preserve much of their deceitful culture. Having the general public proclaiming them the chosen heroes and leaders will help their balance, they feel. This is not generally the case. Their inability to stop manipulating large populations of their fellow humans for their own personal gain is not something that can be concealed from the unseen forces that control events on earth from a spiritual, non-physical plane. So there is no worry that this group will avoid being ousted, tossed out of their seat of power. And so the attack against them has recently begun, and will succeed.

    The leaders in charge of the attack to change the ruling powers over earth are not physical in form, but the spirits of those who were once powerful members of this secret organization that has held power for the past two thousand years, through a series of manipulations and, basically, con-jobs pulled over on the general public of an increasingly large territory.

    Some of these leaders have lived very famous lives which many people today have heard of. People like Ghengis Khan, Attila the Hun, Julius Caesar, and Constantine. Their souls want to cancel out the bad karma they acquired from failing to speak out against secrecy and unfairness and injustice in the groups they belonged to. So please open your hearts to the efforts these souls are now making. It can be very hard to focus on specific physical tasks while in the spiritual plane, and these souls are exerting a great energy of concentration to organize their human helpers to make amazing events begin to happen.

    Again, there is an underlying plan and they will not fail. It is simply something that the general public can know is going on right now, and can enjoy having an awareness of, while giving them the chance to participate by thinking in their minds very loudly about the idea of violent warriors and evil tyrants setting down their past and humbly putting their efforts now towards building a peaceful future, not a manipulative future designed to appear peaceful while being driven by profit and greed. Instead, they truly want a good transition to an honest present which is fair and healthy and understandable to all people. It is a positive thing to join in with.

    Thank you for your awareness and openness to these ideas. There will be a day in the near future when, rather than some bleak apocalypse, it will start to appear that life just begins to get a bit easier, and good things seem to happen more often, and with a stronger energy of justice for all. It will be something that many will not even notice, but for those who look, the signs will be clear. Enjoy the rewards of noticing this as it happens. It is a happy ending that doesn’t need to be hoped for. It simply will be, very soon.


    Susan Maureen Brandt and spirit guides, Aiya, Betthula, and Chiba.

    February 2, 2012”


    • Hey susan B,

      Sounds a bit like one of those New Age/channeled texts… I mean, “Ghengis Khan, Attila the Hun, Julius Caesar, and Constantine. Their souls want to cancel out the bad karma they acquired”, thats like promoting the satanist “spiritual hierarchy” of Blavastky and Baileys, to my understanding. Why do you post that text, and what does it mean to you?

      Greetz, Chaukee


  2. Hello Susan
    thank you for your words of wisdom and Inspiration 🙂
    I hope you will like the new age that is gradually approaching after a powerful struggle there will be a golden time to shine and your will smile and say you was right 😀
    take care love


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