Statement for a Fairer World

The Neoliberal/Materialistic Brain Wash

Many structural and organizational aspects of our world’s societies have shown to be very problematic for the majority of this planets population and the planet itself. For more than a century now, political, scientific and religious leaders have repeatedly taught us that these “truths” are inevitable and must be followed by:

  • The world is purely material and any change and evolution is due to accident and pure physical laws
  • Humans only consist of their material existence, we are our bodies and our minds
  • Humans are completely egoistic by nature/biology
  • Competition is the only valid driving force in economy
  • Hierarchical power structures are natural and inevitable
  • Representative democracies are actually real democracies
  • Supra-nationalism and world government are needed and inevitable
  • Statism is inevitable
  • The debt-based, virtual monetary system is the only option
  • Interest rates are a normal phenomenon
  • Economic growth is inevitable to keep economies running
  • Financial bubbles are inevitable and normal
  • Powerful and rich people deserve their status

Please realize: These are dogmas, we as a human world collective DO NOT NEED to follow them.

Results of Us Following the Elitists’ Dogmas

Straight to the point, these concepts and the people pleading for them are responsible for:

  • Un-sustainable exploitation and destruction of nature and the planet in general
  • Extremely uneven distribution of food, goods, water, energy and political power across the planet
  • Extreme financial accumulation on individuals
  • Completely corrupt governmental and supra-national organizations all over the world
  • Big, intransparent and corrupt global corporations running outside the law and co-creating laws
  • Mind-control and manipulation of the public opinion with owned media, bought scientists and political mock battles
  • A very small group behind the scenes can remotely control all parts of society by their money and secretive organizations (from top to bottom: Rothshilds, Zionists/Cabalists, Rockefellers, European aristocracy, the Council on Foreign Relations, the FED, the Trilateral Commission, American masonic Presidents, Bilderbergers, rest of the Illuminati rat hole). Remember for example that the big important reserve boards are all privately owned and that it’s always the same names appearing when things go wrong!
  • Killing people for resources in the name of “human rights” and “democracy”

Some (Possible) Solutions

I’m really not a believer in utopias as I studied history and know very well where the Nazi and Communist experiments leaded to. From my entrepreneurship of a small company I also know that our economy can work without the above dogmas. These are my base suggestions to solve most of our problems:

  1. Exhaustive investigation of all crimes and complete removal of the dark cabal/Illuminati/Freemason conspirators in all countries
  2. All kind of organizations lose their right of secrecy, citizens have the right to know all that they want (Wikileaks to the max, all intelligence agencies and secret societies are forbidden). On the contrary, overarching privacy for individuals  is again put back in place and can only be bypassed on reasonable suspicion
  3. Replacement of all worldwide governmental systems by Direct Democracy with at least as much people power as in Switzerland’s direct democratic system
  4. Move ownership of all worldwide reserve boards away from private corporations to the people/states
  5. Complete ban of interest rates. Financial service providers may only charge for services, interest rates are forbidden, as in the islamic banking system (*)
  6. Democratization in the economy: Benefits are distributed among the workers of a company by contribution, not among investors (see also ban of interest rates above)
  7. Expropriation of wealth that surpasses the limits that are needed for a comfortable, safe and secure life with our inner family members. See also my article Statement for a fairer Economic System. Nobody deserves an asset of 53 billion dollars, they only use it to broaden their egomaniac influence
  8. Ban of taxes for individuals. The sad tradition of taxation of human work is a poor remnant from ancient times and has no ethical base
  9. Taxation on the consumption of resources. Today, corporations can exploit nature for relatively small fees and consume the exorbitant profits from the produced goods (worst are uranium, oil, gas, metals, plantations, water). Resources belong to all people and all living creatures on the planet or in a specific region. Resources are going to be taxed in a way that corporations are forced to produce sustainably
  10. Federalization: Relocate as much power and responsibility back to the small: Get rid of the UN political and military aspects, remove or democratize supranational formations like the European Union, move as much power back to the regions and communities as reasonably possible.
  11. Democratization of science/scientific results, removal of the patent rights system. Every human has the right to get and use all knowledge available

* Interest rates are the main power vehicle for the hidden plundering of the world’s wealth by the dark cabal (see Illuminati list above). One very important benefit from banned interest rates is the shortfall of the need for constant economic growth and thus a better shelter for the worlds resources:

Interest causes a consecutive growth of monetary assets and their concentration in the hands of a few. The destabilization of society caused by these facts have been realized in former centuries. But because interest is necessary to insure traditional money circulation and the system would crash without interest, interest was never abolished. After World War II the negative effects of the interest orientated system could be compensated by a growing economy but the effects get worse as the economy ages. This is the origin of various social tensions. In the long-term there is the danger of an economic, ecological and social crash of society.
Dr. Erhard Glötzl, “The How and Why of a New Monetary System

My suggestions might all look pretty utopian on a first glimpse, but we really do not need any of the changed remnants above. The complete removal of statism, money in general and free markets (see for example Zeitgeist/Venus Project) is not on my scope as they are an even more giant leap from the current situation and need more time for humanity to evolve thus far.

All of these suggestions have to be analyzed further scientifically and verified for all side-effects. We should also place any system changes with prudence and with time to allow the societies to react and digest the changes without human suffering (except for the Satanist elite criminals). Such a huge change also cannot be forced but only encouraged by good example.

Lets Finish with a Very Funny Introduction to the History of our Monetary System

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